Sunday 14 April 2013

Submission of EXP 1 - Datum

1.0 - The Three Words (noun, verb, adjective)

Jiro Ono 

twins, ooze , gentle 

Shinya Kimura 

racetrack, drift, sleek 

Antonio Stradivari 

strings, engrave, classical 

Clients chosen: Shinya Kimura and Jiro Ono 

2.0 - 18 Section Sketches 

3.0 - 36 Custom Textures 

Chosen 3 Textures:

Foamy - Top for Jiro 

Dense - Middle 

Mattie - Bottom for Shinya 

5.0 - Draft and Developed Models 
  • 5.1 - Draft Model and Images 

Draft Model - Section Sketch  

Sketchup Images 

  • 5.2 - Developed Model and Images 

Developed Model - Section Sketch 

Exterior of building 

Section cut of building 

Jiro Ono's workstation (Foamy texture applied) 

Showcase of Jiro Ono's work (Dense texture applied) 

Showcase floor 

Shinya Kimura's workstation (Mattie texture applied)

Shinya Kimura's stairs leading to workstation (Mattie texture applied) 

Showcase of Shinya Kimura's work (Dense texture applied) 

Shinya Kimura's stair leading to showroom (Mattie texture applied)

Jiro Ono's stairs leading to workstation (Dense texture applied)

Exterior of building (Foamy texture applied) 

Exterior of building - All 3 floors

Jiro Ono's workstation (Foamy texture applied) 

6.0 - 3 Animations 

Download my Sketchup Model from 3D Trimble Warehouse below: 

William Wong - EXP 1 Datum at 3D Warehouse

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